Building a green future.

We assist agriculture, food and bio-fuel companies to navigate disruptive trends and technologies to build a green future.

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Increasing population and consumption of food and energy are placing unprecedented demands on agriculture and natural resources.


Together, we take your business to the next level.

Our agriculture consulting teams have the experience to help you grow sustainably, improve your cost structure and transform your operating model.

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Get the capital necessary to grow faster.

We are providing startup- and growth-finance as well as liquidity facilities for trade and procurement activities in selected agricultural sectors.

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Procurement / Sourcing

Benefit from our global partnerships.

We are providing innovative global sourcing and procurement services for agricultural machinery, food and bio-fuel processing equipment.

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Agriculture is at the heart of a green and sustainable future!

Disruptive technologies, relentless global competition, and urgent ecological problems are forcing agricultural companies to embrace bold innovations in order to create a sustainable future - both, for the planet and the corporate bottom line.

At AGRICO, we believe that the integration of sustainability is key to the success of our clients' business and we are committed to ensuring that sustainable practices are adopted across our clients' supply chain, from inception to consumption.

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Agriculture in numbers

Today, agriculture is facing serious challenges. We strive to assist our clients in facing those obstacles and turning them into opportunities.


By 2050 we will need to produce 70 percent more food. Meanwhile, agriculture’s share of global GDP has shrunk to just 3 percent, one-third its contribution just decades ago. Roughly 800 million people worldwide suffer from hunger. And under a business-as-usual scenario, 8 percent of the world’s population (or 650 million) will still be undernourished by 2030.


Over the past 50 years, greenhouse gas emissions resulting from agriculture, forestry, and other land use have nearly doubled. Agriculture contributes the largest share of global methande and nitrous oxide emissions. And projections suggest a further increase by 2050.

Let´s work together!

We are growing our global network of partnering manufacturers of agricultural and forestry equipment, suppliers of high-yield seed stock and fertilizer as well as buyers and traders of agricultural commodities.

A new game in farm equipment

“The agricultural economy is on the cusp of a production revolution centered on precision farming, which will see farms making increasing use of information services, big data analytics, and webs of sensors.”
OliverWyman Agriculture 4.0: The Future of Farming Technology

AGRICO is actively recruiting talent to grow our operations in Dubai and Istanbul. We are looking for a new breed of strategic thinkers, capable of finding new ways to unlock value in the agriculture value-chain.

Protect our Forests

AGRICO is supporting the preservation of our forest eco-systems through regular contributions to the ReForest Fund, an initiative of Trillion Trees.

Agricultural Sustainability Institute

We support the Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UCDavis to explore novel ways of creating a more sustainable future for agriculture.


At AGRICO, we aim to support the COP28 declaration on sustainable agriculture, resilient food systems and climate action by investing into local agriculture initiatives.

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