Green Ethics

Here at AGRICO, we believe in the power of Green Ethics. We strive to instill a a sense of pride to be connected with AGRICO in all our employees, associates, and business partners of ours. We at all times strive to effectively address the complex relationship of good corporate performance, social development, and environmental protection.

At AGRICO, we instil the culture of maintaining accountability and ethical integrity while pursuing market opportunities. The decisions taken within our organisation, whether made by individuals or groups, are always based on the solid foundations of our company’s culture. We promote inclusivity and welcome employees belonging to various race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, ethnic origin or disability. We go beyond the boundaries of our organisation and encourage all our stakeholders, including our supply chain, to be sustainable.

From small family farms to global shipping lanes, AGRICO works every day to implement new sustainable practices to reduce the impact of our business on the planet and to protect people. We look at agriculture as a part of the solution to the world’s most urgent challenges. We know that we must address climate change and conserve water and forests, while meeting the rising demand for food. These are complex challenges, but humanity has overcome many obstacles to keep our food system resilient and we shall continue to do so. At AGRICO, we strive to contribute to addressing this challenge. We feel a deep responsibility to protect the planet and its people, to ensure a cleaner, safer future for generations to come.

At AGRICO, we are committed to transparency – in our own operations and across our global supply chains. Our overriding corporate objective is to maximise not only long-term shareholder-value but also stakeholder-value through responsibly and sustainably investing in profit-generating ventures while maintaining our focus on Green Ethics. For this reason, we recognise the importance of effective communication with all stakeholders along our global supply chain and the general public. We have adopted continuous disclosure standards to ensure stakeholders are promptly informed.

In close collaboration with our external auditors, we ensure the integrity of our business practices to meet all recommendations by the Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations. AGRICO's businesses are required to conduct their affairs in an accountable and transparent manner, reflecting the interests of all stakeholders including, employees, host communities, partners and customers, and all others affected by our activities.

At AGRICO, we believe that feeding the world population in the decades to come will require not only technological innovation but also a new and more ethical way to conduct business - and at AGRICO we intend to lead the way!